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Kristen Clements, a graduate assistant in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at Penn State University, is seen in a departmental lab. She is pictured using equipment to move liquid into a test tube. Her hands are gloved.

Department of Molecular and Precision Medicine

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MPM Research Basic Content

Research in Molecular and Precision Medicine

Cancer biology

  • DNA repair and enhancing therapeutic effectiveness of DNA damaging agents
  • Genomic biomarkers of disease for non-invasive detection of cancer
  • Genomics of melanoma
  • Synthesis of novel therapeutic molecules
  • Natural product prevention of head and neck cancer
  • The role of human papilloma virus in head and neck cancer

Structural biology

  • Cryo-electron microscopy of proteins and neurons
  • Development of advanced nuclear magnetic resonance-based structure determination and its application to membrane proteins involved in cancer progression

Genetic and epigenetic basis of disease

  • X inactivation and X-linked genes associated with female biased diseases, such as bleeding disorders and autoimmune disease (multiple sclerosis and lupus)
  • Structure determination of repressive chromatin, regulation of its formation and its role on neuronal development and retinal blindness

The microbiome

  • Identifying the spectrum of microbes in the gut and the effect of diet on their composition
  • The correlation between the microbiome and human health

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