Clinical Research MS Program Leadership

Program Leadership
Message from the Program
In the dynamic world of health care careers, demand is growing for people with the skills to collect, organize, and interpret scientific data related to the distribution of disease among populations, disease risk factors, and the interrelation between health care delivery processes and health outcomes.
The Master of Science in Clinical Research at Penn State College of Medicine provides the knowledge and insight required for careers in health related research. Students learn population-based methods for planning, executing, analyzing, and disseminating research results.
While theoretical considerations are covered, the program emphasizes hands-on applications of methods in the real world. Courses usually fall into three disciplines: biostatistics, epidemiology and health services research.
The graduate program in Public Health Sciences is designed to fit a busy life. Most courses are offered on weekday evenings from 3 to 9 p.m., so students can keep a part- or full-time job while advancing their education.

About the Director
Li Wang, PhD
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Director, Master of Science in Clinical Research Program