Biomedical Sciences PhD Entering Class Profiles

Biomedical Sciences PhD Entering Class Profiles
Fall 2022 incoming class
100 percent
have had sustained research experience in a scientific laboratory
Academic Profile
Colleges and universities: 16 (undergraduate) in 7 states and 4 foreign countries
Average (undergraduate) GPA: 3.72
Advanced degrees: 31 percent have MS or beyond; 47 percent entered immediately after receiving an undergraduate degree
Undergraduate majors: 13
16 incoming students
75 percent female
25 percent male
19 percent under-represented minority students
75 percent U.S. citizens or permanent residents
25 percent non-U.S. citizen
Three-Year Admission Averages (2020 to 2022)
Applications received: 273
Offers of Admission: 49
Incoming Student Enrollment: 17