Education in the Department of Ophthalmology
Education in the Department of Ophthalmology provides training at all levels of practice.
Medical students can take part in an ophthalmology elective that helps them understand the diagnosis, pathogenesis and management of a variety of ophthalmic disorders, regardless of their future specialty plans.
The three-year ACGME-accredited ophthalmology residency includes general and subspecialty ophthalmology training. Subspecialty rotations include cornea and external diseases, glaucoma, pediatric and neuro-ophthalmology, oculoplastics, ocular surgery and retina. Experience in general ophthalmology as well as optometry practice is gained through rotations on emergency room/hospital consultation services at Hershey and through general ophthalmology outpatient clinic practice at the VA Medical Center in Lebanon.
For practitioners, the department helps to organize a number of continuing medical education opportunities each year.